Sunday, 22 June 2008


We had brunch and headed down to Melaka. Tried durian. Couldn't stand its taste or smell. Been a quiet day. In Melaka we went to the weekend market on Jonker Walk. Had ginger rice and chicken for dinner with Santana's Shaman album on repeat in the bar next to where we were eating. Food was good but the music could be better. Then Farah and I parted ways. For her its back to the maternity ward (med student) and I'm continuing on my own. Will try to meet up with Wee Shen in Melaka when he's free.

Checked into Sama Sama hostel in China town. At RM17 a night and with a jungle feel its cheap and genuinely charming. There's no running water in Melaka at the moment so that's a bit annoying. But the couple that runs the hostel gave everyone a bottle of mineral water each to make do till the water is up and running again. The internet in this cafe is fast so I'll spend some time on MSN and catching up on the news. I plan to rent a bicycle tomorrow and cycle around.

A chic art shop on the same street as my hostel

The entrance to my hostel


Wall painting in the lobby

Fish pool

Stairs on the side of the fish pool
Wooden stairs and flooring. We have to take our shoes and slippers off before we go upstairs.
My room
My window

1 comment:

Brian said...

u don't like durian? Ow man, wat a waste... It's the season now. It's awesome. :p